Pleuvra, sera couvert, soufflera, disparaitront, brillera, s'accompagneront, maquera, elles iront.
The youngins in class seem to be able to listen and understand much quicker than those of us that are say, over 40. I nearly had a meltdown this morning when we were given a test that was on a list of verbs that I thought was just supposed to be conjugated with je---but was on all tenses.
At times I can understand most everything that is said, then to most of what is said, all of a sudden I hear a loud click and all I hear is WAH-WAH-WAHWAH-WAH-WAH. What happened to the ear-brain connection? Is there a short somewhere? Are the wires crossed? I either need an electrician or a glass of wine. Needless to say, today has been a tough day. We're meeting our Prof at "labo" and get a little extra help.
The meals here are so fabulous. Last night we had.......
Paul just walked in the door with a bag of food (picnic). Neither one of us is sure what is happening with that. Bon chance!!
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