Today I feel as though I've hit the brick wall.
So much information is being given, verbs, tenses, adjectives. Directions are in French, explanations are given in French. Everything
Our train left Annecy last night at 10:50, the earlier TGV (much faster a 4 hour trip) was full, so our only option was a later train that was also s-l-o-w-e-r train (7 hours). We arrived in Paris at 6:30 am and had to catch the RER (commuter train) to Massey, then a bus to Les Cedres. Neither of us slept on the way back, too many people snoring and yikes were there the mouth breathers! We got back to Les Cedres in time for le petite dejeuner and un douche. We made it through 3 hours of classes, lunch and then were able to take a long sieste. Today's new tense is "L'imparfait"--more things to memorize. I'm not very good at memorizing unless I can find a way of relating it to something else. Today I am truly overwhelmed. We worked on homework after dinner until nothing made sense, everything was getting scrambled. Time to stop for the evening. Maybe a good nights sleep (avec Tylenol pm) will help. One of our classmates decided to leave today. I am sad we didn't get to say goodbye to Marcel. He is a very interesting man. I'll tell you a little about him tomorrow.
Bon nuit.
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