Jean-Claude and Joelle took us to Senlis.

a small town not from from where they live in Nogent. Winding cobblestone streets, vines and rosebushes growing out of tiny areas of soil next to doors, that grow up the building and cascade down around windows.

In the center of town is Notre Dame Cathedral--Senlis. The craftsmanship is amazing. Oh, the details!

It is centuries old, the stone or marble floors have dips in them from people walking on them.

Here's looking at you....

Hand carved woodcarvings of the stations of the cross....very cool....

One of the alters....

this floor panel was hand carved, and worn away by centuries of people walking on it......

Someone was smart and pulled this one up and set it against the wall to preserve what is left of the design....

interesting manhole cover.....

These little do dads stick out of walls on both sides of windows, they flip up and down and hold the shutters open. This design was all over the town. Why, oh why didn't I bring sculpey?!

A fancy-schmancy hat shoppe......

This advertisement is in just about every pharmacie.....cellulite cream......hmmmm, what's the French word for airbrushed?
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